Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Speed Skating

Here is the link to our glogster for our project on Olympic Longtrack Speed Skating:Speed Skating Glog
The glogster shows the collaboration of all the team members in team 4 because we all worked on it. Enjoy



  1. Very good job!
    Please embed the Glogster in the blog posting, do not just link it.
    Provide a clear explanation about what you mean by Newton's Third Law. Which force acting on the skier is responsible for moving him forward. Please re-write the sentence.
    Attributions need to be specific to each image. The link to Flickr just leads to a search engine not to the images posted.

  2. wow, great job! The only thing i would do is make the text box smaller in the explanation of Ff in your FBD, so the text box does not go through the FBD.

  3. When an object (in this case the luge) is rounding a curve, the force that keeps it in a curve is the centripetal force which in this case is provided by friction and it is explained by Newton's Second Law.
    In your Glogster it is incorrectly quoted as Netwon's Third Law.
